"It is not the strongest species
that survive,
nor the most intelligent,
but the ones most responsive
to change"


Charles Darwin

QMC International





qmc4Our experience at work with various companies allowed us to create special software that is used as a great tool in managing stock quantities and purchasing processes. This particular software is compatible with the company’s central IT system and it connects directly with several different bar code readers. Our system improves the purchasing process, which in turn translates into big savings for the customer in a given area. The benefits from using the system shown below are based on one company from the groceries sector; however, similar results can be reached in many other areas of business. Thanks to a successful mix of our software and the professional work of our consultants, we are able to achieve positive results in the amount of savings and increase productivity factors. Here are the main assets and functions of our IT system:



  • Complex stock quantities management:
    • Digital registry of deliveries and outgoing transports 
    • System’s proposals for destination of a specific material, which translates into big time savings
    • Fully graded access matrix
  • Centralized purchasing process that allows:
    • Buying more materials and getting lower prices from suppliers as well as other bonuses, e.g. free delivery
    • Full control over the shopping list
    • Analysis of historical data in order to optimize the purchasing process by limiting small purchases and eliminating redundant, time consuming shopping trips. Such analysis also allows for an appropriate selection of purchased items in respect of their demand and eventually for choosing to buy the best products in the best prices.
  • Analysis of online questionnaires and notes about suppliers which together with income analysis help to icrease your company’s income by avoiding cooperation with unreliable suppliers
  • Analysis of working personnel data and control over material consumption help to optimize the use of resources and save money
  • nstant information about each person moving materials out of the warehouse which ensures a quick identification of those responsible for company’s losses
  • Available function for generating data on current stock quantities and materials consumed, the so-called stocktaking.
kompleksowe zarządzanie stanami magazynowymi:
  • elektroniczny zapis wszystkich dostaw i transportów wyjazdowych
  • systemowe sugestie gdzie ulokować dany materiał, co przekłada się na olbrzymią oszczędność czasu